In consortium with Itad, EHG was commissioned by the Technical Evaluation Review Group (TERG) of the Global Fund to conduct a Strategic Review (SR2017) – a follow on to the SR2015 also conducted by they same consortium.
The objectives of SR2017 were to:
(1) to review progress against the 2012–16 Strategy; and,
(2) to assess the Global Fund’s readiness for the 2017–22 Strategy.
The review focused on “looking backward to look forward” both evaluating implementation under the existing strategy and readiness for implementation of the new strategy.
The four person expert team assessed how the Global Fund has responded to recommendations generated from SR2015 and subsequent TERG reviews.
The forward looking recommendations of the review were clustered into three categories:
(1) Strategy translation and readiness for implementation;
(2) Country partnerships and sustainability; and
(3) Measurement and accountability. Under each cluster a number of review questions were identified and information gathered to inform the conclusions and recommendations.
The SR2017 was essentially a meta-review, relying on, but not limited to, a large amount of existing secondary data such as: The Global Fund strategic documents, policies/sub-strategies and action plans; and other evaluations and thematic reviews commissioned. This secondary data was enhanced and complemented by semi-structured key informant interviews (KII) at central and country levels along with more than 45 key informants at headquarters level. Case studies in four countries were undertaken to collect more in-depth, primarily qualitative information to inform our analysis. Country case studies were carried out in Kenya, Benin, Vietnam and Moldova.