Health Facility Autonomy Project – Phase II Strengthening health management system

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

This project began March 2020 and is set to end October 2024. The overall goal of the HFA Phase II project is to upgrade the capacities of health managers as a way to improve the effectiveness and quality of health services. The specific goal is to support the Government of Kyrgyzstan and the Ministry of Health in developing and establishing a sustainable system for enhancing management competences of health managers.

The project is strengthening a system of continuous knowledge and skills development for health managers and create a conducive regulatory framework and environment for health facilities to be effectively managed by competent managers. Further the project is supporting organizational development of the national Center for Health System Development and Medical Technology.

Project development phase - the Euro Health Group team conducted the following analysis and described the detailed implementation strategy (development and description of the proposed intervention strategy - impact hypothesis and expected results, including outcomes, outputs, activities; development of the project sustainability and exit strategy):

o Stakeholders assessment and analysis;
o Mapping of partners active in supporting health management system and training for health managers;
o Gender and inclusion analysis;
o Political economy analysis;
o Qualitative assessment of the training providers and of the training modules already in place;
o Identification of needs and opportunities, challenges and potentials of the management system in health care and manager competences.

Project implementation phase - four main components:

Component 1: Development of competency-based system for selecting, appointing and supporting health managers.
Component 2: Development of the system of continuous skills development of health managers.
Component 3: Establishment of the Association of Health Managers.
Component 4: Support to organizational development of the Center for Health System Development and Medical Technology (CHSD&MT) with capacity building of CHSD&MT staff.