Burkina Faso
Tanzania, United Republic of

GIZ BACKUP Health aims at enabling government and civil society partners to successfully apply for and utilize Global Fund grants in order to implement measures for controlling HIV, TB and malaria more effectively and sustainably. The CCMs play a central role in processes of the Global Fund at country level.

The overall objective of this project is to provide technical assistance to selected countries in their approach to closer align or integrate their Country Coordination Mechanisms (CCMs) with other existing health sector coordination bodies. Euro Health Group provides technical support to five countries: Burkina Faso, Ghana, Georgia, Malawi and Tanzania. The approach entails identifying and mapping all health sector coordination bodies  in a given country; assessing existing linkages between the CCM and those coordination platforms; supporting CCMs and its key stakeholders to identify barriers and enablers for strengthening CCM alignment or integration within the health sector; and facilitating participatory development of a road map and costed work plan to strengthen linkages or move forward with the integration of CCM functions into an other coordinating body.

EHG fields a team of five international consultants to carry out the work in five countries. The EHG team also advises and provides input to the CCM hub of the Global Fund to refine their linkages approach within the CCM Evolution Project (2018-2019).