Evaluation of the Global Fund Funding Request and Grant-Making Stages of the 2023-2025 Funding Cycle – Grant Cycle 7 (GC7)

The Global Fund

EHG fielded an eight-person consultant team to carry out this evaluation in the period from March to September 2024.

The aims of the evaluation was to assess the design, operationalization, and implementation of the Global Fund's Grant Cycle 7 (GC7) Funding Request and Grant-making (FR/GM) processes to determine their effectiveness in producing quality grants aligned with the Global Fund Strategy (2023-2028). It also seeked to capture real-time learning to provide recommendations for Grant Cycle 8 (GC8). The evaluation focused on two main objectives: Effectiveness, examining if the FR/GM processes lead to grants aligned with national priorities and support to the delivery of theGlobal Fund Strategy, and Efficiency, evaluating if the related procedures and processes are fit for purpose and identifies opportunities for improvement, rationalization, and simplification.

The primary audience for the evaluation included the Global Fund Secretariat teams responsible for designing the FR/GM processes, as well as governance and review bodies, and technical partners. The scope targeted the FR/GM continuum of the GC7 grant cycle, examining key process steps, sub-processes, procedures and deliverables to assess overall efficiency and effectiveness. Additionally, the evaluation investigated priority 'levers' to determine their value add and the effort required by applicants to complete them. Covering the period from 2023 to April 2024, the evaluation included all Global Fund-eligible countries that submitted funding requests and received grant approvals within this timeframe.

Link to the report will be provided as soon as it has been published on the Global Fund website.