Euro Health Group was appointed by the UNICEF Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (ECARO), to provide a short-term Institutional consultancy to conceptualize and support implementation of behaviour insights research on drivers influencing immunization-related behaviours in Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Montenegro and Uzbekistan. The purpose of this research project was to identify key behaviour drivers and inform key stakeholders to better understand behaviour drivers that influence people’s immunization-related choices and practices. The Euro Health Group research team was supporting national partners in its implementation to:
1. Assess factors influencing childhood vaccination uptake (target group: parents/caregivers as decision-makers, and healthcare professionals (family doctors and/or paediatricians and nurses)
2. Assess drivers of COVID-19 vaccination uptake (target group: general population and healthcare professionals (family doctors / general practitioners, specialists and nurses).
The Euro Health Group team also supported the countries in the formulation of actionable and country specific recommendations to consider for increasing demand for childhood and COVID-19 vaccines.
The project has now been completed, and country-specific results were presented to stakeholders in Kyrgyzstan and Moldova. The links below show brief project information and results as well as the final reports in Romanian and English:
Nouă din zece părinți și îngrijitori din Republica Moldova își vaccinează copiii la timp