Evaluation of UNFPA Support to Family Planning 2008-2013

Bolivia, Plurinational State of
Burkina Faso
Viet Nam

EHG in consortium with the Royal Tropical Institute of Amsterdam (KIT) was commissioned by UNFPA to conduct an independent evaluation of UNFPA support to family planning (2008-2013) at global, regional and country levels.

The overall purpose of the evaluation was to assess the performance of UNFPA in the field of family planning (FP) during the period covered by the Strategic Plan 2008-2013 and  provided learning to inform the implementation of the current UNFPA Strategy Choices Not Chance (2012-2020). The evaluation also reviewed the extent to which operational and programmatic elements of UNFPA efforts aimed at FP had been informed by the three key principles of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Framework mainly: human rights-based approach, gender equality and cultural sensitivity, equity and social participation.

The specific objectives were to:

- Assess how the framework was set out in UNFPA Strategic Plan 2008-2013 and related frameworks had guided the programming and implementation of UNFPA interventions in the field of FP

- Facilitate learning and capture good practices from UNFPA experience across a range of key programmatic FP interventions during the 2008-2013 period to inform the implementation of UNFPA current Strategic Plan (2013-2017) and the Choice Not Chances 2012-2020 strategy; the GPRHCS (2013-2020) and the HIV/Unintended pregnancies framework (2011-2015)

The evaluation was based on OECD/DAC evaluation criteria and employed a mixed-method approach using qualitative and qualitative methods. Contribution Analysis based on a Theory of Change was applied to identify the extent to which changes in the field of FP could be attributed to UNFPA actions. Using elements of a Realist Approach was to ensure recognition of variations in context, mechanisms and outcomes. The methodological approach relied on the analysis and triangulating wide range of evaluation evidence including quantitative data sets, programme documentation and qualitative data gathered by the evaluation team from interviews with international and country-level key informants, focus group discussions (FGDs), workshops and online survey responses which ensured full coverage of the OECD/DAC evaluation criteria. Primary and secondary data were collected and analysed through a comprehensive desk study, five country visits, and seven in-depth country desk reviews. EHG provided a team of four Key Experts specialised in impact evaluations and FP and two peer reviewers who acted as an Internal Advisory Board to the core evaluation team.

The final report can be downloaded here.